Join us at our weekly practices!

Sundays, to
Shoaff Park by the Splash Pad

Add Sunday practice to your calendar

Fridays, to
Shoaff Park by the Splash Pad

Add Friday practice to your calendar

Practices are held on two different days and at two different locations to accommodate different schedules. Typically, Sunday practices have a larger attendance - averaging 30 people during the peak of the season. Battles are more structured here, and we generally run a couple different scenario/objective battles, sometimes using rope to mark out different battlefield layouts or obstacles.

Friday practices are more causal, but can be a good opportunity to get to know other members, or work on a particular setup when sparring.

Games we play

For smaller attendances

Bear pit

Players stand in a circle, where two players fight to the death in the center. The winner resets and fights the next person along the circle. Optionally, players in the circle may swing at either player without moving their feet as an added challenge. The winner may be required to keep injuries as well.

Stand and Deliver/Ditch

An open field battle without resurrections where the first person that died on the winning side switches sides.

Kill your killer

Starting as a free for all, players stay dead until the person that killed them dies. The winner is whoever manages to kill each person individually (i.e. whoever is left).

For larger attendances

Capture the flag

Two teams attempt to capture the opponent's flag and bring it back to their castle (while also protecting their own - both must present at their castle to win). Each team has a resurrection point (usually instant, but can be 5 seconds) outside of their castle. Often, ropes are used to construct the castle walls and other obstacles like lava pits, lakes, bridges, walls, etc. Obstacles may be hard (projectiles, weapon swings may not pass through), or soft (only stepping into is prohibited) depending on the type and admin decisions.

Other game types can be seen here